FAQ Group: Keywords
Error message when entering keyword risk rating: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW
This is a localized issue that can be fixed by updating your browser (e.g., Chrome) and restarting. If this does not work…
How does “Smart Suggestion” work?
Smart Suggestion is an Apex Compliance feature that helps you choose alternative words and phrases. Smart Suggestions will automatically populate. If you…
How To Share Keyword Lists.
We love this feature. Click on “Keywords Lists” on the left side of your dashboard and choose the keyword list to download….
How To Create and Manage Keyword Lists
Creating and managing keyword lists is easy. Some companies make keyword lists for different countries and regulations. Here’s a short video tutorial….
How do I use keyword lists?
Keyword lists are a core functionality of the program. You can use one or more keyword lists to search websites, YouTube videos,…
How did you develop your keyword risk rating system?
This system provides general guidance on five categories of risk, ranging from lowest to highest. Each category has descriptions to help categorize…
How does “Search For Exact Match” work?
This allows you to search for an exact word or acronym and nothing else. For example, entering the keyword “HIV” and clicking…
What are keyword “exceptions”?
Keyword exceptions allow you to exclude certain words or phrases from your search. For example, if your keyword was “cancer” but you…
What are keyword “variances” and how does the AI feature “Smart Variance” work?
Keyword variances are words and phrases similar to your primary keyword. When conducting a search, Apex Compliance will flag and categorize keyword…
How do I add a new keyword?
To add a new keyword, click on “All Keywords” on the left of your screen, then click on the “New Keyword” button….