About Apex Compliance

Apex Compliance™ helps you simplify regulatory marketing compliance while increasing your productivity. We also help you avoid warning letters and lawsuits by finding high-risk landmines on your website, marketing materials, and videos before they get you in trouble.

Enter a URL to search for any keyword or keyword list to receive a detailed report showing the exact keyword location, lower-risk suggestions, and more. This provides a line-by-line playbook showing how to reduce your online regulatory risk significantly.

Apex Compliance™ also streamlines content review by scanning for high-risk phrases and swapping them out for lower-risk alternatives before publishing your content. Reviewing content like blogs and social media before they are posted has never been quicker and easier.

Apex Compliance™ is keyword based and comes preloaded with 50 phrases common in warning letters and lawsuits. We make it easy for you to add keywords, attribute a risk rating, and suggest lower-risk alternatives.

Apex Compliance™ is a patent-pending technology to help increase your productivity and reduce regulatory headaches. Email us with any questions, or sign up for a demo.

Watch Our One-Minute Introduction to Apex Compliance.

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We look forward to answering your questions!

Email us your questions or set up a demo.

Memberships and Associations

Apex Compliance Software is a proud member of The United Natural Products Alliance and The American Herbal Products Association

“Apex Compliance Software is a proud member of The United Natural Products Alliance and The American Herbal Products Association