FAQ Group: Website Scanning

Scanning website images and embedded videos

Apex Compliance is now able to scan most website images and some embedded videos. Currently, this only works when selecting the Exact…

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Why won’t my website scan work?

Some website security measures block bots. Please ask your IT team to whitelist this IP address.…

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Can I run multiple scans at one time?

You can run as many scans as you want, but newer scans may run slower….

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Why do some website scans take so long?

Some websites are slow to respond to our inquiries, which means some poorly responsive and large website scans may take 12+ hours…

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Is there a limit to the website size that can be searched?

Apex Compliance can search up to ~48,000 web pages. For extremely large websites like Amazon, the program does not allow complete website…

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Can Apex Compliance scan any website?

Apex Compliance should work on most websites. For extremely large websites like Amazon, the program does not allow entire website searching, and…

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